Regulations of Use

Can electric bicycles be ridden on the road?
Yes. E-bikes are considered an electrically assisted pedal cycle (EAPC), which have certain regulations, including they must have pedals that can propel it, they must show the power output or the motors manufacturer, and they must also show the batteries voltage or the bikes top speed.

Electric bicycles which meet these EAPC standards are perfectly free to be used on the roads.
Can I bring an electric bike on the BTS/MRT?
Yes, just like regular foldable bicycles, you can bring a foldable e-bicycle onto BTS or MRT however the bike needs to be folded at all times.
Do I need a license to own and ride an e-bicycle?
No, just like regular bicycles, you do not need to have a license to own or ride an e-bicycle. However, the wearing of protective gear is recommended as a safety precaution.
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